
History comes alive in the lakefront cities of Luna Pier and Monroe, home to Michigan's only state park on Lake Erie. Here, you'll find sandy beaches, boating, fishing, bird-watching and a variety of local shops and restaurants ready to welcome you with open arms.

Mark your calendar for one of the world's largest jazz festivals, plus discover three can't-miss music destinations.

Tower Hotel Niagra Falls

For the best Lake Erie vacation, choose from these top-rated places to stay offering diverse waterfront experiences, including beaches, water sports, and scenic views, ensuring an unforgettable getaway.

You cast your votes, and here are the results — the best of Lake Erie
in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Ontario, Michigan and the Lake Erie Islands.

Move over Amazon; it's time to dazzle your loved ones with hand-crafted jewelry, gifts and home decor straight from the shores of Lake Erie.

Check out the top 10 stories of 2024, as defined by web traffic to LakeErieLiving.com

Find out why a lot of people are starting to consider permanent homes on Lake Erie.

Lake Erie remains a destination for thrill seekers and amusement park enthusiasts, thanks largely to Cedar Point and Waldameer & Water World. But decades ago, the lakefront was filled with small amusement parks, many started by the local trolley company. In fact, no city of any size or consequence was without one. And although they’re gone, their memories — and some tangible remnants – live on.

From triumph to tragedy, get a closer look at some of Lake Erie's most fascinating vessels.

As you're beach-combing, be on the lookout for these three pieces of Lake Erie treasure.

Meet Titanic survivor Anna Sophia Lundi, Frenchy the Pirate and Hicks Ice Cream owner John Hicks.