2024 Best of Lake Erie: Dinner Dare

Will you brave a taste of the Asian Forest Scorpion at the Caliber Club in Sandusky, Ohio?

At the Caliber Club in Sandusky, Ohio, the Asian Forest Scorpion is more than just a menu item; it’s a testament to the adventurous spirit of the members of the 96,000-square-foot Lake Erie Arms, a shooting range with a members-only restaurant.

It’s also something I wanted to check out for myself, but I would never make it as a contestant on “Fear Factor” or “Survivor.” Instead, I enlist the most adventurous eater I know — my husband, Chris — to come along. He’s never balked at eating unusual insects in our travels all over the world.

While Caliber Club boasts an array of salads, sandwiches and game meats, the scorpion stands out. Priced at $25, this delicacy from Thailand is served smoking under a glass dome accompanied by Thai Chili Ponzu and Furikake, a traditional seafood seasoning, and a two-ounce pour of bourbon.

Since opening in September 2023, the Caliber Club has seen over 200 diners rise to the challenge of consuming the scorpion. This act of culinary bravery earns them a place of honor on the club’s “Scorpion Slayers” wall, where their names are proudly engraved.

“It’s a rite of passage here,” says Jim West, co-founder and COO of Lake Erie Arms, “and at the very least, a conversation starter.”

So, what does it take to become a Scorpion Slayer? When the creature arrives at our table, Chris generously coats the scorpion’s exoskeleton with the spicy ponzu sauce before lifting it to his lips. In one swift motion, the entire scorpion vanishes into his mouth, each crunch echoing through the restaurant. My face scrunches up in disgust, but he powers through like a champion.

“It’s not bad,” says Chris, unfazed by his latest conquest. “It’s better than a Cambodian beetle, and the seasoning is really good.”

West elaborates on the experience: “In theory, it’s supposed to taste like soft-shell crab. It won’t, but that’s the idea. My 9-year-old daughter described the taste as ‘burnt popcorn with the texture of a lightbulb.’”

While no one has claimed the scorpion is delicious, West reassures us no one has gotten sick from it either. “At the very least, it comes with two ounces of Buffalo Trace,” he adds.

Before the last crunch of my husband’s scorpion fades away, a member sitting at the bar sends a scorpion to a man at the table behind us, daring him to accept the challenge. Amid laughter and some hesitation, the friend complies, much to the amusement of onlookers, who applaud and give him a thumbs up.

“It’s the best form of peer pressure,” West says. “We’re all about creating memorable experiences.”

Want to try this dinner dare?

The Caliber Club will be open to the general public Sept. 12 and 26, Oct. 10 and 14, Nov. 7 and 21 and Dec. 5 and 19.


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